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Fire Retardant, Safety Guard against Fire
Date:2019-02-23 15:07:49
It has become a part of modern life to commute to work and work in office buildings with electronic equipment. This way of life is the widespread use of plastic and foam materials. These materials give us comfort, but there are also fire hazards. Adding flame retardants to flammable materials to make them flammable is an important means to control fire from the source.
"If I don't use flame retardants in my room, I'm very upset because there's a huge fire hazard." This sentence comes from Jamie Grunlan, a fire research scientist at Texas A&M University.
Most of the people who can accurately say the word "flame retardant" and feel uneasy about not using flame retardants are experts like Jamie. The general public, even journalists who have been engaged in scientific and technological reporting for many years, probably have never heard of the word "flame retardant".
Flame retardants are mainly used in transportation, electronic and electrical equipment, furniture, buildings and building materials. Every day we are inseparable from them. Computer circuit boards are coated with flame retardants, mobile phone plastic shells are coated with flame retardants, cinema and theatre seats and car seats are coated with flame retardants, and building exterior wall insulation materials are also coated with flame retardants.
Most of these items are made of high polymer materials or polymers (plastics, rubber, chemical fibers, coatings and adhesives etc.), some of which are even called solid petroleum.
Therefore, the relevant fire protection laws and standards of various countries all require that the corresponding plastic parts in electronic equipment, buildings and transportation must meet the requirements of fire retardant and fire retardant, that is to say, flame retardant must be added.
Photo of the wreckage of the Korean Asian Airlines crashed Boeing 777-200 at San Francisco International Airport on July 6, 2013
Hanya Airlines'flight crashed in San Francisco in 2013 and Air France's flight crashed in Toronto in 2005. In the two accidents, people survived because the flame retardants used met the requirements of the American aviation industry for fire-resistant seat and cargo aircraft.
According to the assessment of the European Commission, the use of flame retardants has reduced fire deaths in Europe by 20% in the past 10 years. Greenstreet Berman study conducted by the British government in 2009 showed that since the enactment of the Furniture and Indoor Furniture Fire Safety Regulations to improve fire safety requirements in the United Kingdom, the number of fire deaths decreased by 54 per year between 2002 and 2007, the number of non-fatal burns decreased by 780 per year, and the number of fire accidents decreased by 1065 per year.
The use of flame retardants will greatly reduce property losses and greatly protect our lives. It is our faithful and reliable security guard. People should pay more attention to fire safety. Fire prevention is an urgent problem.

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