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Quality Inspector (2)
Adddate:2019-02-23 15:24:08
(1) Age requirement: 20-25 years old (ladies first)
(2) Requirements for appointment:
1. Relevant major, technical secondary school or above; relevant work experience is preferred;
2. Flexible computer operation, familiar with excel, Word use;
3. Self-motivated, strong sense of responsibility, strong learning ability, team spirit;
4. Ability to work hard and adapt to three shifts;
5. Obey leadership arrangements and comply with department and company regulations.
6. Talented people are preferred.
Company benefits:
1. Pack, eat and shelter;
2. Five insurance and one gold;
3. Weeks of work (i.e. five days a week and six days next week);
4. Holidays shall be vacated and holiday benefits shall be granted according to the statutory requirements of the State;
5. Every year, all employees have two intra-provincial tours.
Welcome to join us!
Company Name: Zhongshan Sutebao New Materials Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 8 Jiexin Road, Shazai Industrial Zone, Zhongshan Citizen Town
Contact person: Miss Liu
Tel: 0760-85550918; 15917633304
Microsignal: LL05201007
E-mail: hr@sutebao.com 646476950@qq.com
Website: www.wenfeidianli.com

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