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Technical Assistant (1)
Adddate:2019-02-23 15:24:47
(1) Age requirement: 20-28 years old
(2) Requirements for appointment
1. Bachelor degree or above;
2. Major in chemical engineering;
3. Strong sense of responsibility, strong communication skills, good at learning, can bear hardships and endure hardships;
4. Master the use of office and academic drawing software such as word, excel, Powerpoint, origin, etc.
5. Those who have technical assistant work experience or have published patents or papers in core journals are preferred.
6. Have passed CET4 in English, and have good reading and writing skills in English.
Company benefits:
1. Pack, eat and shelter;
2. Five insurance and one gold;
3. Weeks of work (i.e. five days a week and six days next week);
4. Holidays shall be vacated and holiday benefits shall be granted according to the statutory requirements of the State;
5. Every year, all employees have two intra-provincial tours.
Welcome to join us!
Company Name: Zhongshan Sutebao New Materials Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 8 Jiexin Road, Shazai Industrial Zone, Zhongshan Citizen Town
Contact person: Miss Liu
Tel: 0760-85550918; 15917633304
Microsignal: LL05201007
E-mail: hr@sutebao.com 646476950@qq.com
Website: www.wenfeidianli.com

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